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The New World Symphony-APR 29

April 29-The New World Symphony- America’s Orchestral Academy (NWS), will perform its sixth annual New Work program—dedicated to commissioning and premiering new pieces from high-profile and developing artists across a range of genres, intersecting music with theater, dance, poetry, video, lighting, and other art forms— at 7:30 p.m. at the New World Center. The program will include a new Michael Tilson Thomas-led- and-conceived stage production of Niccolò Castiglioni’s Inverno In-Ver, the premiere performance of an orchestral version of Oscar Bettison’s Lights in Ashes led by NWS Conducting Fellow Dean Whiteside, and the world premiere of John Supko’s broken on the wheels of night, a New World Symphony commission composed for viola and electronics. Tickets starting at $40 are available from NWS by phone at 305- 673-3331 or online at NWS.edu  or in person at the New World Center box office.