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Calling All Artists in Palm Beach County-Till July 15

Cultural Council of Palm Beach County

The Cultural Council of Palm Beach County (Lake Worth, Florida) announces a Call to Create in celebration of the Cultural Council’s 40th Anniversary. We are seeking professional artists who live or work in Palm Beach County to create an iconic work of art that symbolizes Art and Culture in our area. The Call is open to all Palm Beach County residents. One submission per artist. Artwork selected will be featured on the cover of our art&culture magazine as well as used for collateral materials in celebration of our 40th anniversary. Artist will also receive a $1,000 stipend.

The Cultural Council was founded in 1978 by Alexander W. Dreyfoos, an inventor, successful business owner and civic leader, who believed in the value of arts and culture enhancing and sustaining strong economic and societal growth. Now in its fourth decade, the Council has evolved to be a strong, multi-faceted local arts advocate with priorities that include providing grants to cultural organizations and professional artists, developing and advocating for cultural funding, enhancing arts education, providing services that build capacity and marketing the county as a destination for cultural tourism. Refer to the Council’s website for more information: palmbeachculture.com

Artwork must be created specifically for the theme of Arts and Culture in Palm Beach County with thought and imagery related to the 40th anniversary of the Cultural Council. All two-dimensional media is acceptable for submission including paintings, prints, drawings, photography, collage, textiles, metal, assemblage, ceramic relief and mixed media.

EMAIL to IMAGE AND FORM BELOW to Nichole M. Hickey for participation by July 15, 2017: [email protected]
Judging will be based upon overall quality, creativity and vision of each work.

Criteria for the Call are as follows:
Professional Artists who are eligible to apply must be residents of Palm Beach County.
Must create new work with the theme of Arts and Culture in Palm Beach County and the 40th anniversary theme.
All images must be 300 dpi or higher.
All images must include artist name, title, date, medium, size in file name.

Accepted Work:
Artists will be notified on August 5. Please no phone calls or emails. After work has been accepted, a substitution cannot be made nor a change in the artwork or titles as submitted. Artwork will become the property of the Cultural Council and to be used as the cover of art&culture magazine and other collateral. Artist will be providing the rights of the image for the stated uses.

Artwork will be featured as the cover of the January 2018 issue of art&culture magazine and the artist will be invited to the magazine launch party. Other uses may include a commemorative print for sale in the Council’s store, and the image will be included on the website, invitations and other marketing collateral material. An award of $1,000 will also be provided to the artist.

About the Cultural Council:
The Council is a private, non-profit, membership-based corporation. As The Palm Beaches’ officially designated agency for cultural development, the Council leads the way in nurturing, promoting and celebrating the artistic and cultural community in one of Florida’s largest and most diverse counties. In this leadership role, the Council administers a portion of local tourist development funds under contract with Palm Beach County government. It is also innovative and influential in creating additional funding for cultural programs, organizations and professional artists.

Please use the below to fill out and send along with your submission.

[please print clearly]



City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________

Phone Day____________________________________________________________________



Title of Work__________________________________________________________________


Dimensions (Height-Width-Depth) ____________________________________________

Nichole M. Hickey
Manager of Artist Services
(561) 472-3336

Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, 601 Lake Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33460
