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Women Who Dare to Dream-APR 22

Women Who Dare to Dream: Magik in a Box-A Creative and Illuminating Women’s Workshop-Kristen Bomas and Marcy Heller invite you to unlock the power of your dreams with magik and enlightenment-9:45am to 4pm at Cendyn Spaces-980 N. Federal Hwy.-Suite 110-Boca Raton 33432-(M.E.A.T. Eatery Lobby)-Admission: $124-Registration Closes April 17-Includes light snacks, beverages and lunch served; In a safe and divine atmosphere, you will learn to: Connect with and experience your sacred and soulful self; learn to read, realize and define the symbols in your life; create and develop a magical box that is your tool for illuminating and embellishing your sacred self; learn the value of ritual and tools for expanding into your true power self; break through the limiting paradigms and build a bridge between your physical and spiritual experience in life-RSVP by calling Sonya at 561-212-7575 or visit KristenBomas.com for more information