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Women Build Campaign-APR 19 (past)

April 19-Special Kick-Off & Orientation for  Annual “Women Can Do It” / Women Build Campaign–Funds Raised During The  Campaign Will Provide The Materials Needed For The Actual Home- The 100 Women Will Construct the home from May 11 to 13; Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County (HFHSPBC) is seeking 100 empowered women leaders to join together to raise funds to build a safe, decent and affordable home for a local, hard-working, low income family that the 100 women will actually help build. The South Palm Beach County event has a goal to raise $100,000 and encourages women across the country to help fundraise. To participate, each “Woman Builder” must commit to raising or giving $1,000 via a designated HFHSPBC campaign website or by visiting www.habitatsouthpalmbeach.org  Once registered as a Women Builder, participants can create their own fundraising page. If someone cannot commit to being a Builder, they can easily support a Women Builder on the dedicated fund site. Kickoff held today from 6-8 p.m. In addition to mingling with great women and enjoying light bites, wine and live music, those who have committed to raising or giving $1,000 and other prospective “Women Builders” will learn how they can be one of the 100 Women who creates the “House that Women Built” in our South Palm Beach County community.