Saturday, April 4- A Virtual Walk for Haiti-10AM to 11am-Continuing Brit’s Compassion to help the children in Haiti- Join us on Be Like Brit’s Facebook page, as we go live to tell our story, talk about the kids in Haiti and encourage our supporters to virtually ‘walk with us.” As the borders and shipping yards in Haiti have closed, we are doing all that we can to support Brit’s Home. As of this week our compound is on lock down, supplied with food and staff for 90 days. This will further protect our children from illness or uncertainty with their health. Thank you, your host, Chloe Textor Rits, Be Like Brit
REGISTER at www.BeLikeBrit.org/FloridaWalk Suggested virtual walk donation amount: $19.00
Saturday- Sleep late, Chuckle at Some Jewish Irony on Saturday’s Sabbath
All beaches and non-essential businesses have been ordered to close through the end of the month, pursuant to Executive Order 20-70, issued by Governor Ron DeSantis as of Saturday, March 28:
WHAT’S OPEN? The businesses that may remain open are:
- grocery, pet and convenience stores
- healthcare providers including pharmacies
- financial institutions, banks, credit unions
- gas or repairs for your car
- restaurants for take out, drive through or delivery only
- essential businesses and services
Go for a walk (try to stay 6 ft. away from others) or bike ride;
Order food (see restaurants below);
Shop for food but wear masks and keep your distance to protect yourselves and others. Go as little as possible.
The point is… NOT TO GATHER! Visit friends and family by Zoom, Skype or Facetime (on the Apple App store).
The Boca Chamber has compiled a list of its member restaurants that provide delivery and carry out. Here are some, but there are MORE so contact your favorite restaurants and see!
City of Boca Raton Restaurants
- 620 Subs & Salads, 561-620-7827, www.620subssalads.com, CONTACTLESS DELIVERY & CURBSIDE PICKUP
- Ahtziri Mexican Grill, 561-717-6763, www.Ahtzirimexicangrill.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY (DELIVERY DUDES)
- Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, 561-338-3028, www.acfp.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- BENTO Asian Kitchen and Sushi, 561-430-6986, https://www.eatatbento.com/south-florida-boca-raton/ , TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Biergarten Boca, 561-395-7462, www.biergartenboca.com/, PICKUP, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Bluefin Sushi Thai Grill, 561-981-8869, www.bluefinsushiboca.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Boca Beach House, 561-826-8850, www.thebocabeachhouse.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Bonjour Vietnam, 561-409-2584, Website, PICKUP
- BRIO Tuscan Grille, 561-392-3777, www.brioitalian.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Brooklyn Water Bagel Company, 561-206-6821, www.brooklynwaterbagels.com, DELIVERY
- Bubbleology Boca, 561-367-3013, www.bubbleologyusa.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- BurgerFi, 561-504-8325, www.burgerfi.com, PICKUP
- Capital Grille, 561-368-1077, www.thecapitalgrille.com, PICKUP
- Cannoli Kitchen Pizza, 561-338-2929, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY (ALSO ON UBEREATS, DELIVERY DUDES, DOORDASH)
- Carrabba’s Italian Grill, 561-544-8838, www.carrabbas.com/locations/fl/boca-raton, PICKUP
- Casa D’Angelo, 56-966-1234, www.casa-d-angelo.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Casa L’Italien, 561-852-9290, www.casalitalien.com, CURBSIDE PICKUP, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Chops Lobster Bar, 561-395-2675, website, CURBSIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY VIA DOOR DASH
- City Fish Market, 561-487-1600, website, TAKEOUT, CURBSIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY (DELIVERY DUDES, DOOR DASH)
- Crazy Uncle Mike’s, 561-931-2889, www.crazyunclemikes.com, DELIVERY
- D’Best Sandwich Shop, 561-241-5155, www.dbestsandwichshop.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Dinners In Motion (Potions in Motion Catering) – 877-727-8964, www.dinnersinmotion.com, FULL MEAL DINNER DELIVERIES (4 PEOPLE)
- Dubliner, 561-620-2540, www.sub-culture.org/dubliner, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- East Boca Carvel, 561-304-0411, website, CALL AHEADS, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY (DOORDASH)
- Eastside Cafe, 561-617-1500, https://www.theeastsidecafe.com/, CURBSIDE PICKUP, DELIVERY & GRAB AND GO
- El Atico Market, 561-465-3348, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Farmer’s Table, 561-414-5836, website, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Fit Foodz Cafe, 561-451-1420, www.fitfoodzcafe.com, CURBSIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Flanigan’s, 561-395-4699, www.flanigans.net, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Fresh Meal Plan, 561-330-4345, www.freshmealplan.com, DELIVERY
- Hooters of Boca Raton, 561-391-8903, website and hootersflorida.com, ONLINE ORDER, PICKUP & DELIVERY (UBEREATS & DELIVERY DUDES)
- Hotdog-Opolis, 561-988-5959, www.hotdogopolis.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY (DOORDASH, UBER EATS, GRUBHUB, DELIVERY DUDES)
- Jamba Juice, www.jambajuice.com, All Boca Raton locations offer TAKEOUT, DELIVERY & CURBSIDE PICKUP
- Jet’s Pizza of Boca Raton, 561-852-5700, www.jetspizza.com, DELIVERY
- Jimmy C’s Italian Deli & Market, 561-405-6164, www.jimmycdeli.com, DELIVERY & PICKUP (PREPARED MEALS)
- Jimmy John’s, 561-362-9450, www.jimmyjohns.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Jon’s Place, 561-338-0008, Facebook, TAKEOUT & LIMITED DELIVERY
- Kapow Noodle Bar, 561-347-7322, www.kapownoodlebar.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Ke’e Grill, 561-995-5044, www.keegrillbocaraton.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- KEKOA Poke Bowls + Hawaiian Foodie, 561-218-4523, www.eatkekoa.com, DELIVERY
- La Boulangerie Boul’Mich, 561-361-8820, www.laboulangerieusa.com, DELIVERY
- Las Fajitas, 561-620-1981, website, TAKEOUT
- Le Sorelle Restaurant, 561-235-5301, website, PICKUP
- Luffs Fish House, 561-609-2660, www.luffsfishhouse.com, TAKEOUT, CURBSIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Maggiano’s Little Italy, 561-361-2322, www.maggianos.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- MANE Coffee, 561-245-8982, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Mario’s Osteria, 561-239-7000, www.mariososteria.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Matteo’s Trattoria, 561-392-0773, www.matteosristorante.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- M.E.A.T Eatery And Taproom, 561-419-2600, [email protected], PICKUP, DELIVERY & MEAL PREP
- Mediterranean Kebob House Boca, 561-419-7821, website, CURBSIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Mi Casita Mexican Restaurant, 561-750-8298, Website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Mississippi Sweets BBQ, 561-394-6779, www.mississippisweetsbbq.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- MO&MA Cookies and Pies, website, CURBSIDE, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Novello Restaurant and Bar, 561-994-3495 , website, CURBSIDE PICKUP
- Palm Beach Bagel, 561-998-8868, www.palmbeachbagel.net, PICKUP, TAKEOUT & FREE DELIVERY
- Prezzo, 561-314-6840, www.prezzoboca.com, CURBSIDE PICKUP, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY -$50MIN. (DELIVERY DUDES & UBER EATS)
- Pollo Tropical, www.pollotropical.com, DELIVERY
- Rice and Spice, 954-701-1961, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Rocksteady Jamaican Bistro, 561-465-3167, www.rocksteadyjamaicanbistro.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY (UBER EATS)
- Saito’s Japanese Steakhouse, 561-218-8788, website, TAKEOUT
- Salad Plus, 561-995-5635, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Salt & Spirits Beach’d Tiki Bar, 561-617-7311, website, TAKEOUT
- Saquella Cafe, 561-338-8840, www.saquellacafe.com, PICKUP, TAKEOUT & FREE DELIVERY
- Seafood Street Eatery, 561-465-2961, www.seafoodstreeteatery.com, PICKUP
- Smoke BBQ, 561-430-3348, website, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Souvlaki Fast, 561-338-8855, www.souvlakifast.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Sushi Yama, 561-362-6416, www.sushiyamaonline.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Tacowa Korean BBQ & Taco, 561-717-6604, www.tacowa.net, CARRYOUT & DELIVERY
- Talia’s Tuscan Table, 561-362-0874, www.taliastable.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Tin Muffin, 561-392-9446, Facebook, PICKUP
- Tomasso’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant, 561-392-8985, www.tomassos-pizza.com, CURBSIDE PICKUP, DELIVERY & TAKEOUT
- Tom Sawyer Restaurant & Pastry, 561-368-4634,www.tomsawyerrestaurant.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- TooJay’s, website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY, 3 locations:
- Glades Plaza, 2240 NW 19th St, 561-392-4181
- Polo Shoppes, 5030 Champion Blvd, 561-241-5903
- Regency Court Plaza, 3013 Yamato Rd, 561-997-2986
- Trattoria Nonna, 561-347-2344, www.trattorianonnaboca.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- True Restaurant – A Maryland Bistro, 561-334-2144 (closed on Mondays), website, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY (DOORDASH, DELIVERY DUDES, GRUBHUB, UBER EATS)
- Tucci’s Pizza, 561-620-2930, www.tuccispizza.com, DELIVERY
- Tucker Duke’s, 561-717-8153, www.tuckerdukes.com, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- V&S Italian Deli, 561-395-5206, Facebook, PICKUP & DELIVERY
- Ventura’s Pizza Kitchen, 561-609-2155, venturaspizzakitchen.com, TAKEOUT & DELIVERY
- Yakitorki Sake House, 561-544-0087, www.yakitoriboca.com, PICKUP
- Yard House, 561-417-6124, www.yardhouse.com, PICKUP
- Zinburger, 561-393-3252, Website, PICKUP & DELIVERY
In addition to the closings enumerated in Executive Order 20-70 a subsequent Executive Order (20-72) was issued by the Governor whereby he ordered all hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, office surgery centers, dental, orthodontic and endodontic offices, and other health care practitioners’ offices in the State of Florida are prohibited from providing any medically unnecessary, non-urgent or non-emergency procedure or surgery which, if delayed, does not place a patient’s immediate health, safety, or wellbeing at risk or will, if delayed, not contribute to the worsening of a serious or life threatening medical condition
In other words, all health care professionals licensed in the State of Florida (including dentists) shall immediately cease performing these elective services.
Most county departments are still operating (e.g., Palm Tran, Engineering, Planning, Zoning and Building Departments, Palm Beach International Airport, Parks and Recreation, and the Solid Waste Authority) to name a few.
Pavilion Grille
“IT TAKES TWO” Band Tonight!
The fabulous dance band, “IT TAKES TWO” will be in the house tonight! Come enjoy their Swing, Disco, Salsa, Classic Rock, Motown, Cha Cha music and more. Cover charge will be $10; Get $10 back with $25 food & beverage purchase; There’s live almost music every night at the Pavilion; And, of course, the NEW Dance Floor! Make it a perfect night with dinner & dancing! So come Meet, Mix, Mingle, Dine, and Dance to the best dance music at the Pavilion Grille in Boca Raton! Both Singles and Couples welcome! Dinner served from 6pm; Music starts at 7:30pm; Terrific music, dance, and fun tonight! All ages! Call 561-912-0000 for reservations or more information.
Pavilion Grille, 301 Yamato Rd, Boca Raton, 33431, is located in the lobby of the Seeman Holtz Building located on the NE corner of the intersection of Dixie Hwy and Yamato Road, and has distinctive large glass sides. Just park in the lot or garage and enter the lobby to a world of music and dancing. Directions: Take I-95 and exit at Yamato Rd., Boca Raton. Go east and turn left on Dixie Hwy. Parking driveway is on the right. There is a large FREE parking lot area and also a parking garage on the premises. Pavilion Grille, 301 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431 PavilionGrille.com Come on in to the HOTTEST spot in Boca!
THE REST OF THE WEEKEND: Sunday, : Ultimate Chefs Dinner postoned

Cachet Band
NEXT WEEK: COME BACK AND JOIN US on Tuesday, for the always fun dance music by “Cachet” Band
(Note: EVERYONE wants to rent our venue with new dance floor for private parties! Think of us for your next party!)
AND MORE: Two-For-One Drinks for Happy Hour : 5:00pm – 7:00pm, Tuesday – Friday: small plates start at $6; drink specials $5 -$8; Dinner served Tuesday through Saturday from 6PM and Lunch from Tuesday through Friday from 12 noon to 3:00 PM Make dinner reservations at 561-912-0000
New Dance Floor!
New Flooring!
New Furniture!
New Chef!
The Pavilion’s New Chef Cristian, formally of Josephine’s, Tavolino’s and Casa de Angelo will add his distinct Italian touch to our menu.Dinner Specials Nightly ( Special Pricing) and the return of the Three Course Dinner!
Where to Find Live Music:
(MORE on the front HOME page! CLICK HERE & Scroll down to ‘Ongoing’)
Check out Our Place in the Boca Raton Plaza Hotel at 2901 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton, call 561-750-9745; The new Crazy Uncle Mikes at 6450 N. Federal Hwy. in Boca, call 561-931-2889; The Funky Biscuit, 303 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca , call 561-395-2929 or funkybiscuit.com
Arts Garage at 94 NE 2nd Avenue in Delray Beach at artsgarage.org or 561-450-6357. BYOW-Bring your own whatever, that is foods and drinks, including alcohol ); Bostons on the Beach at 40 S. Ocean Blvd. in Delray Beach, call 561-278-3364; Johnny Brown’s at 301 E. Atlantic Ave. in Delray, call 561-243-9911; Silverball Museum at 19 NE 3rd Ave. in Delray Beach, call 561-266-3294; Magic Bus (Classic Rock) at The Blue Anchor Pub at 804 E. Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach, call to confirm band, 561-272-7272
Boynton and North:
The Venu at 8794 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. in Boynton Beach, call 561-200-0222; Rhum Shak at 802 Lake Avenue in Lake Worth, call 561-755-7486; Das Bier Garden at 1203 Town Center Drive in Jupiter, call 561-776-8669;
West Palm Beach:
Copper Blues Rock Pub, 550 S. Rosemary Ave., call 561-404-4101; The Blind Monk,410 Evernia St., Click here; Blue Martini, 550 S Rosemary Ave, Click here; City Place on the Plaza, 500 S. Rosemary Avenue, Clematis by Night in Centennial Sq. (Fri. & Sat. 7pm), E. R. Bradley’s, 104 Clematis Street, Click here O’Shea’s Irish Pub, 531 Clematis, Click here Renegades Country Bar & Grill, 600 Village Blvd. and Respectable Street, 518 Clematis St., Click Here
Live Band at Galuppi’s
Galuppi’s restaurant & patio-bar in Pompano Beach has The Studio54 Band from 7:30pm pm to 11pm. Happy Hour 4-7pm. A selection of half priced appetizers will also be offered all night long. 1103 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33062 phone: 954-785-0226
City of Boca Raton’s New Waterfront Park
The City’s NEWEST waterfront park is officially open! Bring the family to enjoy at Hillsboro El Rio Park SOUTH. Explore and enjoy the brand-new playground, join in on a pick-up game of basketball ?, pickleball ? or volleyball ?, launch a kayak/paddleboard/canoe ? or wander the pristine grounds of the park. For more information, CLICK HERE
Boca Raton and Delray Green Markets-Every Saturday until May
Scroll down for more details
Muddy Waters Restaurant
Shell, Shuck and Peel Weekends at Muddy Waters Restaurant- Great Specials on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4pm like “Shrimp Bang! Bang!- CLICK HERE to see-Home of 79 cent clams and oysters on the half shell daily-Happy Hour 4pm to 7pm-Try a House Shrimp Bloody Mary ($5)-And absolutely the BEST Fish Tacos!-Get your game on here on Saturday and Sunday afternoons with 22 H/D TVs- At 2237 W. Hillsboro Blvd.-Deerfield Beach 33442-Info: 954-428-6577 CLICK HERE!
Something different to do EVERY NIGHT at Muddy’s: CLICK HERE Remember, Muddy Waters caters for parties, too!
Charcoal BBQ ! The first Saturday of every month!

Weekend Guided Trail Rides
Pony Rides and Weekend Guided Horse Trail Rides
At Tradewinds Park & Stables-3600 W. Sample Rd., Coconut Creek, FL 33073 CALL to confirm: Phone: 954-357-8870 Email: [email protected] Gate Fee: $1.50/person weekends and holidays (children 5 and under free)
$5 Tri-Rail Rides on Weekends-On weekends, Tri-Rail offers $5 all-day fares its train routes in South Florida. Tri-Rail runs from Miami to West Palm Beach. On weekdays, regular one-way fares are $2.50 to $6.90 for adults, depending on the route. Kids age 4 and younger ride for free. Information is on the Tri-Rail website or 800-874-7245
Live Music in Mizner Park- –At Max’s Grille in Mizner Park in Boca Raton-8:30pm –11:30pm–Call to confirm-561-358-0080
Boca Raton Green Market~ for the 23rd season- 9am to 1pm, and every Saturday, in a NEW LOCATION at the north City Hall parking lot, located at the intersection 201 West Palmetto Park Rd and NW 2nd Ave. Plenty of parking is available adjacent to the GreenMarket vendor site. Each Saturday, fresh locally-grown fruits and vegetables as they become available in their individual growing seasons—along with fresh herbs, soaps & lotions, juices, potted orchids, ocean shells, fresh cut flowers, assorted variety of plants, fresh baked goods, prepared foods, oils & vinegars, gourmet foods, hydroponic and organic foods, fresh fish and seafood, fresh pasta, doggie treats —are available for purchase. Several of the vendors have participated since the Market began in 1996, with a few new vendors joining each year. Community service organizations participate from time to time to share information or to promote a special project.
Delray-Green Market–9am to 2pm–Every Saturday until May 16. At Old School Square, on NE 2nd Avenue, a half block north of Atlantic Avenue in downtown Delray Beach-Fresh foods, live music, meet adoptable dogs, Shop local vendors; You’ll find more than 65 vendors featuring Palm Beach County farm-to-fork produce, just picked citrus and juice, farm fresh eggs, raw milk and butter, 100% grass-fed and finished (antibiotic and hormone free) Florida beef, poultry, pork and lamb, fragrant artisan baked goods, plenty of gluten free, vegan and sugar free products, fresh cut flowers, plants and other unique gourmet fare along with live musical entertainment each week.
Also, NEW: West Palm-Farmer’s Market at Grandview Public Market
(Scroll down for more info)
“Ride and Remember” Bus Tour – Meet at The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Delray Beach, FL-Tickets are $35 +Fee @2.92= For more info. and tix, Click here
Jazz Venue – The NYSW Jazz Lounge, at 107 SW Sixth St, Fort Lauderdale, opens 7 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free. The owner is Miguel Pilgram, a former Navy communications specialist who won a $52 million lottery jackpot 8 years ago. The 1500 sq. ft. indoor / outdoor space will host live music every night except Monday; the venue will feature classic jazz, Latin jazz and undiscovered artists-For more info; 954-765-6141 or click here: https://www.nyswjazzlounge.com/calendar
Saturday Night Moonlight Guided Canoe Tours: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Meet at the Lee Road Boat Ramp to enjoy a guided moonlight canoe tour through a portion of the Refuge interior. Wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants and bring a flashlight and bug spray.Canoe rental from Loxahatchee Canoeing is $35; you may not bring your own. (One canoe seats 2 to 3 people.) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – Call LOXAHATCHEE CANOEING at 561-733-0192. (Note: Also, Guided Canoe Tours Every Saturday MORNING, 9:00 – 11:15 a.m.)
(Scroll down to see GREEN MARKETS TODAY!!)
Alligator Feeding–1pm to 1:15pm-Join us every Saturday (and Wednesday) at 1pm to listen to a short talk on alligators and watch our resident alligator feed on his favorite food; Admission into the center is $5.00 per person ages 3 and up. The alligator feeding is included with admission. For more information and to confirm 561-274-SAND (7263). Walk-ins welcome- At The Sandoway House Nature Center, 142 S. Ocean Blvd., Delray Beach, FL 33483
Breakfast at Gulf Stream–Make Mornings Memorable! This popular Saturday morning tradition is a must-do for families and racing fans alike! Every Saturday, from 8 am – 11 am, Rain or Shine* | Stretch’s BBQ & Tiki Area-Come on out and watch our champion horses training on the track, listen to our guest speakers talk about their role in the Thoroughbred horse racing industry, and take a free tram tour through the Backstretch for a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into caring for the horses. Plus, meet your favorite famous characters, and have the kiddos get their photo taken atop a real-life horse! Table and tram tour reservations are accepted for groups of 10 or more. Please call Nancy Berry before 5 PM the Friday prior to hold your spot (954-457-6284)-Buffet Breakfast for $10 per person. Kids 2 and under eat free! | 8 AM – 11 AM Different Character Appearances Each Week for the Children | 9 AM – 11 AM; Free t-shirt with the purchase of a buffet breakfast | 8 AM – 11 AM; Visit with Horse | 9 AM – 10 AM; Guest Speakers | 9 AM – 9:30 AM; Free Tram Tours | 8:30 AM • 9:15 AM • 10 AM *Must arrive before 9:30 AM to guarantee a spot on a tour.
Scroll down and see GREEN MARKETS OPEN TODAY!
IMAX Theater Is Better Than Ever
The Museum of Discovery & Science IMAX Theater-For Info, Click HERE or www.MODS.org
IMAX 3D- Located at 401 SW 2nd St. Fort Lauderdale-Phone: 954-713-0930
NOTE: The AutoNation IMAX Theater had been closed to upgrade their projection and sound system to IMAX with 4K Laser; Wait till you see the new IMAX with laser system! Groundbreaking movie projection technology will transform the AutoNation IMAX 3D Theater experience into one of the most extraordinary theater experiences in the world.
Now the AutoNation IMAX 3D Theater will be the only place in Florida, and one of only a few in the world, to offer 2D and 3D movies using the new IMAX WITH LASER system. For IMAX Movie Schedule, CLICK HERE
Norton Museum- There’s much to celebrate at the Norton this month: The Museum reopened this past summer after a five-week hiatus to re-install galleries and prep for construction.
For info. on Exhibitions, Programs, Tours, Art After Dark, Theater Lab (new), and more, CLICK HERE
“Free Roll”- Free Poker Tournaments-At the Big Easy Casino–(formerly “Mardi Gras” Casino)- 831 N Federal Hwy, Hallandale Beach, FL, 954-924-3200 or email: [email protected] Hours of Operation: Sunday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00am; Friday & Saturday Open 24hrs-Free Tournaments every night at 6:50pm
The Casino at Dania Beach- Casino, Concert Venue, Comedy Club! The newest casino in Broward County is here! Try out an all new gaming… 301 E Dania Beach Blvd, Dania Beach, FL 33004 -Phone:(954) 920-1511 or www.casinoDaniaBeach.com
Note: Are you interested in a new job or know of someone who is looking? The brand new Casino in Dania Beach is still hiring Cocktail Waitresses, Bartenders, Cashiers, Security Agents & Housekeeping Personnell-Resumes should be sent to [email protected]
Saturdays at Sanborn: Yoga in the Park (presented by Yoga Journey), 9:00 am -A Free Fitness Series-Bring your mats for yoga classes- Sanborn Square, 72 N. Federal Highway-Boca Raton- For more info: DowntownBoca.org
Saturdays: Zumba at the Beach- 10:30 am – South Beach Pavilion at Palmetto Park Road & A1A-Boca Raton
Boca Raton Green Market– MOVED: Open for its 22st season; But after 22 years at Royal Palm Place, the market made the move to the north City Hall parking lot (located at 201 W. Palmetto Park Rd.) since it had outgrown its location in Royal Palm Plaza and needed more parking spaces; So grab your shopping bags and head on over- Held every Saturday, 8am to 1pm, find over 40 vendors with locally grown produce, bakery items, fresh eggs, plants & flowers, honey, cheeses, coffees & teas, doggie treats, prepared foods, live music and lots more.
Delray Beach SUMMER Green Market–9am to noon-FREE ADMISSION-In the heat of summer, Delray’s famed Green Market is about half the size of its high-season counterpart, with 30 vendors instead of 65, and a three-hour weekly duration instead of five; Instead of Old School Square Park, where the Winter Green Market is situated, the summer version takes place in the heart of The Set, a historic but emerging corridor between downtown and I-95. After you pick up your artisanal dog food and oil-scented soap and raw pistachio paste and organic asparagus, take a stroll around the community, where local leaders are hoping to establish a groovy, work-live-play hub. Delray Beach Tennis Center, 201 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach
(Note: Delray Beach (WINTER) Green Market-until the end of May)- Open 9am to 2pm- -An open air marketplace located at Old School Square Park on NE 2nd Avenue, a half block north of Atlantic Avenue in downtown Delray Beach. At the Green Market you’ll find more than 65 premier food vendors featuring farm-to-fork produce, just picked citrus, tropical fruit and juice, farm fresh eggs, raw milk and butter, artisan cheese and jams, fragrant baked goods, plenty of gluten free, vegan and organic products, fresh cut flowers, plants and other unique gourmet fare along with live musical entertainment each week-For more info, CLICK HERE
West Palm Beach Green Market opens-Now in its 23rd year, the market returns to the waterfront from 9am to 1pm
West Palm-Farmer’s Market at Grandview Public Market-The Farmer’s Market by Farriss Farm is open year-round to the public every Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.Visitors will enjoy a curated vendor lineup along with artfully arranged local and organic produce, quality meats, baked goods, cheeses, herbs, fresh flowers, local plants, and more. The al fresco market also features a plethora of regional artisan specialties such as breads, pastas, and local Florida honey. Participating vendors include Farriss Farm, CoLab Farms, La Montagne Des Saveurs, and Incredible Edible Landscapes. Live music by local bands and DJs. For more information, visit grandviewpublic.com or call 561-771-6100. Grandview Public Market is located at 1401 Clare Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and Sunday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Complimentary valet parking is available. Located one mile south of I-95 on Clare Avenue in West Palm Beach, Florida. The luxurious, 13,000 sq. ft. multi-vendor food hall features twelve best-in-class chef-driven restaurants and a retail specialty shop.
Plantation Farmers Market–Year-round, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m Saturdays, Volunteer Park, 12050 W. Sunrise Blvd., Plantation, 954-452-2558
Marando Farms – 1401 SW 1st Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315- Call 954-294-2331, or visit marandofarms.com– Expanding, read more: CLICK HERE
Marando Ranch–A Partnering of Marando Farms and Georgia Pig–5151 SW 64th Ave., Davie- Coming in the Fall-Read this: CLICK HERE
Bedner Farms -10066 Lee Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33473 and new: 2nd location (see below)
Bedner’s Farm Fresh Market in Delray’s Artist Alley– Bedner’s Farm Fresh Market brings local, sustainably grown produce, including 100% certified organic produce and many other items, east to its second location at 381 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Delray Beach. The market is located at the north end of Delray Beach’s Artists Alley and N.E. 4th Street/Lake Ida Road. Hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 9:00am-8:00pm and Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm. The upscale country store atmosphere is welcoming and the employees are ready to help. For more information visit www.bedners.com or call 561-501-5177
Yellow Green Farmers Market–Year Round–A massive indoor metal shed filled with fresh produce, vendors selling everything from olives to essential oils, Cuban coffee, soups, fresh bread, hats and shorts and ukeleles made out of cigar boxes. Also good for Latin food stands‚ or brunch at the Chill Bar-Open on Saturdays and Sundays only. ygfarmersmarket.com – 1940 N. 30th Road, Hollywood – Phone: 954-513-3990
Green Market-Pompano-every Saturday, 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM; Come out and support our local businesses. Find the finest local purveyors and producers of local goods. You’ll feel good about being part of something bigger. “Buy Local, Eat Local, Shop Local” ~ Free Yoga Class (for all ages and kids) ~ 10am-11am Class (for all ages and kids) ~ 10am-11am. Vendor Inquiries Contact: [email protected] For More Info & Join Our Mailing List: greenmarketpompanobeach.com