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Inner Circle Executive Club-Networking for a Cause-APR 20

The Inner Circle Executive Club-Power Networking for a Cause, Featuring Eat Better Live Better-Join the Inner Circle as they Fight Childhood Obesity-The Inner Circle Executive Club will be hosting a Power Networking from 5:30 pm to 8:00pm at Pinon Grill at Town Center Mall in Boca Raton. Eat Better Live Better will be featured as we will set up registrations for their upcoming 5K;  All proceeds benefit Eat Better Live Better to fight Childhood Obesity! Everyone welcome-Bring Business Cards-Bring new guests-Enjoy complimentary cuisine and drink specials-No entry fee to attend. Just come, network, make a connection and support an amazing cause! To see the ad on Facebook, CLICK HERE   Donate to the cause at the event and you will receive a FREE gift!  For more info on Eat Better Live Better, Click here